For the Healthy Curious or Healing Curious....

Natalie is a down to earth wild and free spirit that has the intention to create waves and currents of change in our current healthcare model. She focuses on unlearning the current victimization syndrome and external searching for vitality and doctoral dependence.

Working with doctors for the last 20 years has allowed an inside view of their much needed capabilities and yet also their limitations.

With our collective in the state where we have bridged over the "living longer but not better"tagline to the newest data where our current youngest will no longer outlive their parents... a change is not needed it is essential for our survival as a whole.

Passionate about allowing our eco system to thrive through proper nourishment and removal of what's not serving us a.k.a. environmental and man made toxins. Natalie teaches us that our bodies are constantly speaking to us and giving us the clues at what we uniquely need. She teaches us that slowing down to listen is what will lead us to tapping into our own internal compass of knowing where our current western lifestyle is creating havoc on our collective's immunity, metabolism, mental wellness, cognitive function and endocrine system.

We are not able to access clarity consciousness and purpose living in this fog and our gifts to the world are dimmed by this societal/cultural program.

Natalie has multiple certifications that allow her to assist in mentoring others to tap into their fullest potential and lead themselves uniquely to their most Optimum Wellness.

Make sure to explore her 1:1 mentoring and many course offerings below. Natalie believes in inclusivity for ALL. Pricing plans are available and situational exemptions can be arranged. Just reach out via email if a program is pulling at you and it seems out of reach.

Inclusive to Newbies and Professionals The School for Conscious Living Members Portal

A place to start your journey that encompasses all parts of health and healing with emphasis on the Physical (Nutrition, Detox and Movement), mindful (mindset and Neuro Linguistics) and Energetic (atomic state, Reiki and Chakra Education)


A place Extend your expertise in healing. Bridging the missing pieces of our current western healthcare model into an integrated functional and alopathic therapy.

Natalie brings in her expertise of 20+ years in healthcare diagnostics, Nutritional Therapy, Cancer Prevention and Longevity, Detox Specialty, Reiki Grand Master offerings and Yoga Practices in educational and actionable monthly course bundles.

At the low cost of 15$ monthly Natalie wanted to make sure everyone could access her therapy services globally

CPTG Essential Oils as a Complimentary Tool

Natalie has spent over 5 years immersing herself in the world of essential oils. She is currently completing her certificate as an Essential Oils Specialist. Being from healthcare these drops of gold were not her first approach. But seeing how many testimonies and finally having her own miraculous story has inspired her to educate about this complimentary tool. She holds free workshops and webinars in both her membership portal and her facebook community group @essential_modern_day_healers_community